the manifest
We are people inspired by the achievements of mankind. We believe in scientific progress and rise of consciousness as a natural growth path of integration of creative and productive forces, opening new evolutionary opportunities for our species.
We dare to dream about humanity expanding to space and reaching out to infinity and our everyday work is a direct contribution to this global challenge
As a company of professionals in the field of research and development of medical products we commit ourselves to the task of advancing evidence-based medicine through various commercial and social initiatives.
We see evidence-based medicine as the only historically proven effective approach
to the development
of the entire industry
of healthcare.
Our goals do not depend on the current economic model of the distribution of wealth in society and are based on the fundamental needs of our species: the creation of sustainable prerequisites for the development of medical science, the evolution of healthcare, and shaping environment in which each person would be able to live the most productive life…
…so that one day everyone could go to space